воскресенье, 9 ноября 2014 г.

“Perhaps of all the creations of man, language is the most astonishing.”
Lytton Strachey

Every day, without reflecting, people utter a lot of different words, simple, difficult, beautiful, or figurative. Every day people use thousands of words, as naturally, as they brief, walk, sleep, eat. Words in their turn, which are put in certain order, make word combinations, phrases, texts. Words as though build their own world. A world that is called “language”. Unfortunately, very rarely somebody ponders that language is the best creation a man ever made, which fulfils one of man’s primary needs- communication.
 Communication is the base of everything people do. The whole man’s life is to some extent connected with communication. Seventy per cent of people’s life consists of communication. It became possible with appearance of language. Language is closely connected with man’s thinking. Thus, using thinking and language people are able to communicate in order to live together, work together, make friends and families, and transmit information from generation to generation. It is hardly possible to live without knowing a language.
Each invention that exists in modern world partially appeared due to language. Why? Because in order to produce something new people need to cooperate. Due to language, people can discuss this or that, debate and reach agreement. Moreover, all those modern inventions are useless without language. In order to use things it is necessary to know language. For example, what a man can do with a computer if he/she does not know the language? Or, simply, in order to use any new appliance one has to read instructions to it. So, almost every action, every step in one’s life is connected with usage of language.
Language is a tool that a man uses day by day. It is very easy to imagine life without computers, telephones, cars, television. However, it is impossible to imagine life without a language. Humans cannot exist without language and speech.

So, language really is the most astonishing and valuable creation, that accompany people through all their life. It is the inexhaustible wealth that people are lucky to possess.