воскресенье, 23 ноября 2014 г.

“Perhaps of all the creations of man, language is the most astonishing.”
Lytton Strachey

Language is the most amazing, and the most useful creation of a man. It is an important tool that people use in their every day life. It is a tool which makes it possible for people to get information, to exchange experiences and knowledge, and even to get information from the ancestors. The society cannot exist without language, as it fulfils people’s primary need – communication.
To speak a language is one of the most basic parts of people’s identity. With the help of language, one learns about his/her culture, country, nation. From century to century, language helped people to leave messages to descendants, due to which nowadays people know the history of society development, and many other important things. In different times, the messages were transferred  differently: by signs, pictures, hieroglyphs, runes, and were written on  different materials. However, all this was a kind of language, which has been keeping and transferring information up to nowadays.
The transfer of information remained one of the most essential parts of life till now. Therefore, communication takes 70 per cent of people’s life. The society cannot live properly without language and communication, as 99 per cent of human activity stopped if the language did not exist. People need to communicate in order to live together, to work together, to make families and friends, to transmit information to next generations.
By means of language people are able to express their feelings, emotions, impressions, thoughts. It helps people to cooperate, to exist in the same space, so to say. Due to language people discuss things, debate, argue, reach agreement. It is really difficult to imagine a silent society, that cannot read and write, and even having no idea about gestures and expressions, that is about body language.

So, everything in the life, every step a man takes is connected with language. Even if a  person does not use language in oral communication, he/she has to interpret or decipher the signs he/she is surrounded with: inscriptions on the doors, advertisements, announcements, signs on the roads, instructions for different appliances and so on. It is evident that language accompanies people through all their life. And it is more easier to imagine life without computers , telephones, cars, television than without a language. For sure, language is the most astonishing and valuable creation, that people are very lucky to possess. 

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