вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.

Final Realizations.

Hello dear friends! How are you? Are you through with the reading?

I am glad - I finished to read the "Great Expectations". And I can say that my expectations realized. The main character Pip changed his life a lot, but it cost him too much I think- his relations with people who loved him and worried about him, especially Joe. Pip was so blinded with his new life that he forgot about all that good that Joe did for him, his support while he felt bed, especially when Pip`s sister treated him badly. But at the end Pip understood how stupid he was and that he hurt Joe with such behaviour. And I was very glad to find out that Pip realized his mistake and initiated his relationship with Joe, and Biddy as well. I also was happy that Estella changed her mind and understood that all that taught her Ms.Havisham is nonsense and became a woman who can love and appreciate the other`s love towards her.  It`s good that Estella and Pip remained together. 

There were many surrprises at the end of the book: Pip`s real benefactor was the convict he met many years ago ( in the very beginning of the story), and Estella was this convict`s daughter. I could not even imagine such a turning-point. 
So all`s well that ends well! 

P.S. My dear fellows and dear teacher, holidays are coming... I wish you a lot of success and a lot of strength, so that the next year would be even better than this one! 
Happy Holidays!!!
With love, 

суббота, 8 декабря 2012 г.

Hello, dear friends. How are you? I am sorry that I haven`t written for long time.
I continue reading "Great Expectations". Pip`s life changes little by little, and Pip changes as well. He is still in London. He gets a letter from Biddy. Joe  will be in London and wishes to see Pip. But Pip doesn`t want much to see Joe. He is ashamed of him. Joe feels that and he is not comfortable in Pip`s presence. Joe tells Pip that Ms.Havisham him to visit her home, because Estella came back from France. Pip meets Estella. She is not so rude with him like many years ago. Estella is glad that Pip changed and has another company now, not so common as Joe. Pip decides not to visit Joe at all. Pip believes that he is destined of Estella and wants to be with her.
Pip`s sister dies. After the funerals Pip stays at Joe, but the next day he leaves. Pip knows he won`t come back.
I am very dissapointed. I didn`t expect that Pip could be so unthankful, so dependent on peoples opinion. He is ashamed of Joe, the only one who supported him when he was a little boy and helped him. He doesn`t want to see him. He prefers more his new friends. He is blind with his new life.  I think he will be sorry some time about that...

суббота, 1 декабря 2012 г.

Pip goes to London to Mr. Jaggers. The later tells Pip that he is to stay with Mr. Matthew Pocket’s son at the Barnard’s Inn. The son will take Pip to his father’s house so Pip can begin his education. . He tells also that Pip shouldn`t worry about his finances.  When Pip meets Mr. Pocket`s son he recognizes him from the first look. It is that red-headed boy from Ms` Havisham house whom he fought with. But in spite of that they become friends. Pip also gets acquainted with Pocket`s family and some of his friends. Some time later Mr.Jaggers takes Pip to the court with him. Pip notices that everyone is afraid of Jaggers. He is impressed.
I am glad that there are changes in Pip`s life, as I expected . But are they so good as it seems? We`ll see.

понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.

Monday`s Expectations

 This week I expect to find out  more about the man who wants to take Pip with him to London, especially I want to know if he really wants only good for Pip.  I think there in London will begin the most interesting events. I am interested also if Pip will meet Estella  more or will he forget her.
Well, I continue to read and I will share my realizations with you on Sunday.
Good luck to everybody! Have a nice week and full of success!!!)

воскресенье, 25 ноября 2012 г.

Hello my dear friends. How are you? Hope your weekend was wonderful)

And what about your reading? As to me I read some more chapters. Things are getting more interesting. There are great changes in Pip`s
mind. He finishes his education with Mr Wopsle`s aunt as he gets too old. And he realizes that he doesn’t want to be Joe`s apprentice.  There are also many changes in his life and in life of his relatives. Their home is attacked by an unknown, and his sister is a victim. After this she can`t speak, her vision, hearing and memory are affected too. Biddy takes care of her.
In his four year as an apprentice he meets a man, who he once saw at Miss Havisham. This man identifies himself as Jaggers, a lawyer in London. He tells Joe that he is to take Pip from him so that he can have a better life.
I think this man can help him. But it is strange- why he wants to help him. I will read further and  will  understand, I think.

воскресенье, 18 ноября 2012 г.

Sunday`s Realizations

Pip visites Ms.`s Havisham house.  He is surprised because it  seems  as though this house and everything in it stuck  in the past. Even all the  clocks are stopped on twenty to nine. Ms. Havisham is dressed in a wedding gown, which looks very old. It looks like she dressed it up  long  time ago, and since then has never put it off. She tells  Pip that she has a strange wish- to see him playing. There Pip also meets a girl, named Estella, who is the same age as him, but she considers herself more superior than others and, therefore, looks elder. She is a pretty girl, but proud as well. It makes Pip to feel embarrassed.
When Pip comes back home his sister questioned him about his visit to Ms.Havisham`s house. She thinks that Ms.Havisham can help him in the future. Pip doesn`t tell his sister the truth what happens in that house, because he doesn`t believe that  his sister will accept such answers. He is afraid  that she will not understand him and will punish him. But Pip tells the truth to Joe. He can`t lie to him. He tells  him about Estella, that she considers him very common. Joe says that it is not good to tell lies and it doesn’t matter are you a common boy or a king, because everyone has a common start before they make something of themselves.
This conversation with Joe and this day became memorable for Pip. It changed Pip`s  thoughts and he decides to make changes in his life.|
I think here starts a new period in Pip`s life. It is very interesting what will happen next.

вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.


Hello dear teacher and dear fellows! I`m sorry I`m late with my expectations. But it is better late, than never))
A new week of reading started. It is getting more interesting. I am curious that will happen  with Pip next.
I worry about him, because he lives a very hard life for his age, a life not for a child.  Every time I begin to read, I expect that he will find someone who will love , except his brother- in- law .

Good luck to everybody and have a nice evening!

воскресенье, 4 ноября 2012 г.


This week I read that nobody find out about Pip`s theft of the pie from his mean sister`s kitchen.  At the beginning he wanted to tell his brother-in- law that he took it, but  , he didn`t. He was afraid that if he tells it to him, he will lose his only friend and his support. He thought that Joe will be disappointed with him. Joe`s attitude was too valuable for Pip.
Pip started learning to read at Mr. Wopsle`s aunt evening school.  Mr. Wople`s aunt had a granddaughter Biddy, who was also an orphan and was brought up by hand like Pip. She helped him to learn to read. 
One night Pip discovered that Joe can`t read. Joe told him that he didn`t learn anything, because he had difficult childhood. Pip wanted to teach Joe. And he also decided that he wants to become a scholar. But he didn`t want his sister find out about this because she was not fond of scholars. They even decided that Pip should teach Joe in secret from his sister.  They both were afraid of her,
Later  Mrs. Joe returned home , She was helping Uncle Pumblechook with his shopping. She teld them that Miss Havisham wants Pip to come and play at her home. She  heard about Pip through Uncle Pumblechook.  He took Pip to Miss Havisham’s home the next day.
She gave Pip a good washing and put him in stiff clothes. She turned him over to Uncle Pumblechook, who took him to his home.
Pip could not understand what for was he supposed to go to Miss Havisham`s home.

воскресенье, 28 октября 2012 г.

Sunday`s Realizations. Week 2.

One more week passed. I want to share with my thoughts about the reading.  I found more about Pip`s life in his family. And I am sorry for him, because the life he lives is not happy at all. He is like an outcast in his own family. It seems that his sister doesn`t love Pip, even a little. While reading I haven`t noticed that she says something gentle to him . In Christmas morning instead of wishing him Merry Christmas her first words were ("And where the deuce ha' you been?").  
At that Christmas day some guests came to them. Each of them said to Pip that he is unthankful, and that he doesn`t appreciate that his sister does for him, and that there is nothing good in this boy. His sister didn`t stop them , didn`t defend him.  What`s more she agreed with them and confirmed that he is a burden to her. (
"He was a world of trouble to you, ma'am," said Mrs. Hubble, commiserating my sister.
"Trouble?" echoed my sister; "trouble?" and then entered on a fearful catalogue of all the illnesses I had been guilty of, and all the acts of sleeplessness I had committed, and all the high places I had tumbled from, and all the low places I had tumbled into, and all the injuries I had done myself, and all the times she had wished me in my grave, and I had contumaciously refused to go there.) 

Only Joe, her husband , was kind to Pip and supported him during the whole dinner. 
I am shocked with Pip`s sister behaviour. How could she agree with people who tell a lot of bad things about her brother? It is awful to have a sister like she.   

вторник, 23 октября 2012 г.

Realizations and New Expectations.

I read some chapters of the book. To be honestly, it didn`t bring me so much pleasure I expected. That is because there are a lot of difficult words, which I even couldn`t find in the dictionary. But , in spite of this, I understood the contents of these chapters. And at first I found out who are the characters.

The main character is a boy Philip Pirrip, who names himself Pip. He is an orphan. He never saw his parents. He can only imagine how were they, looking at their tombstones:.(The shape of the letters on my father's, gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair. From the character and turn of the inscription, "Also Georgiana Wife of the Above," I drew a childish conclusion that my mother was freckled and sickly. )

Pip lives with his elder sister and her husband. She is not a good-looking woman. She is very strict  with her brother , and by the way, with her husband as well. The latter is a like a friend for Philip. He differs much from his wife. Even Pip says that he doesn`t understand how could he marry his sister :(
She was not a good-looking woman, my sister; and I had a general impression that she must have made Joe Gargery marry her by hand).

There appears one more character, already in the 1st chapter. This is a strange man whom Pip meets once in the graveyard. He is very fearful, with the iron on his leg. He looked like a wild man. Probably he is the criminal, who escaped .

So far this is all.  Next I expect to find out  more about the characters. Then I think that  soon there will  begin many actions,  adventures. I haven`t read enough to understand  what is this story about. Therefore this week I hope the reading will be more successfull!)

вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

Expectations about « The Great Expectations».

Being acquainted with Dicken`s creativity, I`m sure that the book we are going to read will be interesting.  It could be a story  full of adventures…It could be also something mysterious…
I haven`t read this book even in my native language yet, therefore it `s content is a surprise  for me.
But, when I read the name of the book, I don`t know why, I imagine a story about  some people, maybe a family, which lives difficult life or there happened something bad, and they struggle for their living…
Or , it can be also a love story, with the elements of adventure.
Anyway, whatever it is, I am sure that I will read it with pleasure. I like to read Dickens. There were not  any of his stories that I found boring and uninteresting.
I expect that reading this book I will spend a lot of plesant hours and, of course, it will teach me something.

понедельник, 24 сентября 2012 г.

Monday’s Expectations

Hi!!! Unfortunately, I don`t manage to read the book every day. I have read only seven chapters till now.
This week I expect to read more. The plot is becoming more and more interesting. Victor created the "being" that he desired  to create so much...But he is not happy with it. What`s more he is afraid of it. He is terrified with his own creation! The worst thing is that Victor thinks that his creation murdered his brother William. But he can`t  tell anyone about this, because people hardly will believe him.
From next chapters I hope to find out is Victor right or not, and, is his creature really so dangerous and fearful, as Victor thinks.

воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

Sunday’s Realizations

I continue reading the book. I have read 4 chapters by now. It is really an iteresting and exciting story.I am amazed how  crazy is Victor about what he does. He sees nothing besides his "labour".
 This week`s reading was absorbing .And also it was  useful for me, because, as I said in my previous message, I find out a lot of words.
 I am curious to know what happens next...So I`m going on with my reading.
Bye and have a nice day!)

Hello everybody! I, at last, began to read the "Frankenstein". And I am happy to share with you my impressions from reading and to speak about the Chapter 1 of this book.
There are the following characters in the first chapter: the narrator-Victor, his father, a man named Beaufort, Caroline Beaufort and Elizabeth Lavenza.
There is no much information about the narrator in the first chapter. I found out that he was by birth a Genevese and his ancestors were esteemed people. Also he said that he was the eldest child and his parents loved him VERY MUCH("I was their plaything and their idol,and something better-their child...").
The father was respected by everyone  too. He was very hardworking( "He passed his younger days perpetually occupied by the affairs of his country..."). These circumstances prevented his early marriage.
Mr.Beaufort was the Victor`s father friend. Once he became very poor and he was awfully upset with this.("This man...was of a proud and unbending disposition and could not bear to live in poverty and oblivion in the same country where he had formerly been distinguished for his rank and magnificence".) He moved to another town with his daughter Caroline.
Caroline Beaufort was very caring and considerate girl.("   His daughter attended him with the greatest tenderness"). She was hardworking and helpful. She tried to help somehow her father(" She procured plain work;she plaited straw and by various means contrived to earn a pittance scarcely sufficient to support life").
The  father wanted to help his friend, but when he found them Mr.Beaufort died.
Then, Caroline Beaufort and the father got married. They had a big difference between ages but it didnt disturb. So, Victor became their first child.
Some time later they took an orphan girl to their house. That was Elizabeth Lavenza.

I liked the beginning of the book, even there were many new and sometimes not clear words. But I think its very good, because I work with a dictionary a lot and I hope my vocabulary will become richer day by day.